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Game Components:

1 Pre-laminated Gameboard

2 sets of colored chips

1 Worksheet

1 Instruction and Answer KeyGame Description


THINK-TAC-3 Game can be used as a review, assessment, enrichment, competition, individual or group work, station lab, etc. 


Game Objective:

Student/Team connects 3 bingo chips ( horizontally, vertically, or diagonally ) to get 1 point; 4 bingo chips = 2 points; 5 bingo chips = 3 points and; 6 bingo chips = 4 points.


How to Play the Game


1. Student/Team chooses any box from the laminated card. Inside each box could be a question, description, 

definition, or example. If the student gives a correct answer he marks the box with a bingo chip.

2. Wrong answer means lose a turn. A referee could be assigned during the game.

3. Tally scores at the bottom of the laminated card using dry erase marker.

4. Student may answer the worksheet before or after the game.


Rewards and Penalties

1. Players have the opportunity to question and challenge an opponent's answer. If the challenger is

correct, the challenger steals the move.

2. The more connections made, the higher the score.


Scienterrific Bright Ideas!

1. Encourage students to pay close attention for opportunities to challenge wrong answers.

2. Coach students in developing strategies to win, such as planning their moves to get bonus

turns and blocking opponents moves.

3. Announce playing the game in advance as a graded recitation or a quiz to get students to

focus better on the lesson and/or allow them opportunity to review on their own.

4. Instead of making students play individually, form small groups of diverse learners who will

consult and cooperate on answering as they strategize and compete against other groups.

5. The game can be used for guided instruction as the class plays as a whole using a document projector and at the same time independent practice as each student tries to answer/solve problems on their own.

6. The game can be used to assess student knowledge in place of a quiz. 

7. The worksheet can be used for homework or quiz.

Lab Safety, Equipment, and Scientific Method Think-Tac-Three

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